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GP Registration / Access Cards

Everyone in England is entitled to register with a GP. Many people who experience health inequalities can face barriers when trying to register. Practices should not turn people away because they do not have proof of ID, address or immigration status. People can also register if they do not know or do not have an NHS number.

Being registered with a GP has many benefits, the most important one at the moment is that GPs can identify those people who are clinically vulnerable to COVID-19 and ensure that they are invited to get a vaccination.

Please help by using the resources below to support people to register with a GP.

Access cards – see here

Local Healthwatch and voluntary organisations are distributing ‘access cards’, both physical and digital, which support the message that everyone is entitled to register with a GP. On the back of the card is the NHS England and NHS Improvement Customer Contact Centre number, for people to use if they have been refused registration.


There are two posters that give clear information about how to register with a GP, which you can download and print.

  • The ‘Welcome to General Practice’ poster – see here

  • The ‘Please come and register with your local GP’ poster - see here

For more information please visit the FutureNHS platform. You may require access to view this page. If so, please follow the steps outlined to request access.


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