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GPC England's LMC Update: 6 July 2023

ARM (Annual Representative Meeting) update

The BMA's ARM in Liverpool this week has brought meaningful discussion, debate and strong representation on behalf of the medical profession.

GPC UK and its component committees, including GPC England has shared its report with the ARM, outlining its work to support and lobby on behalf of GPs this year. Read the report

A motion was passed recognising the existing crisis in general practice, calling on the BMA to explore universal healthcare systems from other countries, with the aim of learning from them and potentially implementing augmented or alternative systems in the UK. Another motion which recognises the stress created by the current Government policy and calls on the BMA to support members who refuse to declare their income also passed comfortably. Read all the motions passed

Call to action for general practice

The BMA’s GP Committee for England (GPCE) recently published our Call to action (CTA) for general practice - our strategy for what we need to provide high-quality care for our patients and which explains what we want to see in the next round of contract negotiations.

Read our blog series delving into the key areas that make up GPCE’s vision for general practice, the Call to action. In the first blog in the series, Richard van Mellaerts outlines why removing bureaucracy and box-ticking is a priority demand for the BMA Let GPs do their job

Tell us what you think about our Call to action by emailing

Parliamentary activity

GPCE met with Deputy Leader of the Liberal Democrats and Spokesperson for Health and Social Care, Daisy Cooper MP. During the meeting we discussed our concerns for recruitment and retention of GPs, alongside patient safety. Daisy Cooper offered assurances the Liberal Democrats did not intend to reform the primary care model, and agreed to continue to talk to the BMA, as they develop their manifesto ahead of the upcoming election.

GPCE wrote jointly with the RCGP, NAPC, NHS Confed and PSNC to Primary Care Minister, Neil O’Brien MP, following the recent publication of the Primary Care Access Recovery Plan requesting a meeting to discuss the plan, and more broadly the long-term future of general practice.

Safe working and preparing for balloting on industrial action

As the current working conditions are not safe for patients or GPs, we urge practices to continue to use our safe working guidance to limit contacts to 25 per day in order to prioritise safe patient care, within the present bounds of the GMS contract.

We need to come together to save general practice, defend our profession, and make general practice safe for patients. In April, GPC England voted to prepare to ballot GPs on industrial action if the Government does not agree to improve the contract drastically in forthcoming negotiations.

If you are a member, make sure the details we hold for you are up to date to ensure your vote counts. Update your member details on or join us as a member today.

Please find attached the advice to LMCs regarding preparation for industrial action. This has had input and sign off from the legal team, and been tested with LMC reps with adjustments made as a result. Further guidance will be forthcoming in the future.

If there are questions, comments or suggestions, please send these to

Please continue to invite officers to speak to your LMCs about IA and hopefully this document gives you the advice and support that is useful.

NHS Workforce long term plan

NHSE has published the NHS Workforce long term plan, which models workforce demand and supply over a 15-year period and the resulting shortfall, showing that without immediate action the NHS will face a workforce gap of more than 260,000–360,000 staff by 2036/37. It sets out three priority areas: train, retain, and reform - aiming to grow the workforce whilst increasing retention of existing staff, and changes to medical education and training that aim to diversify routes into the NHS.

Some of the key ambitions include doubling the number of medical school training places to 15,000 by 2031/32, increasing the number of GP training places by 50% to 6,000 by 2031/32, increasing training and supervision capacity in primary care so GPs in training can spend the full three years of their training in primary care settings. The government will invest more than £2.4 billion to fund the 27% expansion in training places by 2028/29.

The BMA is compiling a briefing for members which will be included in the next LMC Update.

GPs honoured

GPC England would like to extend its congratulations to the following GPs for being made Officers of the Order of the British Empire (OBE), for services to general practice, in King’s birthday list honours

  • Professor Carolyn Anne Chew-Graham, Professor of General Practice Research, Keele University and lately Chair, Society of Academic Primary Care. For services to General Practice and Patient Care, and to Primary Care Research, particularly into Long Covid, Crewe, Cheshire

  • Dr Miles Bradley Mack, Lately Chair, Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and Faculties in Scotland. For services to General Practice, Dingwall Ross and Cromarty

  • Dr Andy Knox, Director of Population Health and Engagement, Bay Health and Care Partners, Morecambe Bay. For services to General Practice, Morecambe Bay

  • Dr Priya Kumar, General Practitioner, Kumar Medical Centre, Slough. For services to Health Improvement in South East England, Virginia Water, Surrey

Re-ballot for junior doctor strike action and important information re eligibility to vote

The re-ballot for junior doctors (including GP trainees) is open. Please encourage your GP trainee colleagues to vote YES and post their ballot back as soon as possible, and no later than 26 August.

It is important to note that if you will no longer be a junior doctor / GP trainee on 31 August, you will need to contact the BMA by calling 0300 123 1233 or emailing and opt-out from receiving a ballot. This includes if you are due to obtain your CCT (certificate of completion of training) or you are on maternity leave for the whole mandate period from 31 August to 29 February 2024. However, if you are a junior doctor for one day of the mandate period, you are eligible to vote.

Please inform all GP trainees within your practices - they can update their membership details here

BMA’s Patient liaison group member vacancies: could you help make a difference in healthcare?

Vacancies for three patient/lay members, and one BMA grassroot doctor member with the following experience:

  • Have a keen interest in improving the quality of healthcare services for patients, equitable patient care and promoting patient empowerment.

  • Have some experience of working on, or with, committees.

  • Ability to understand complex policy ideas and see how they impact patients and the public.

Deadline to submit applications for both positions is midnight, Sunday 9 July.

Wellbeing resources

As we continue to face overwhelming pressures in general practice, we encourage practices to continue to focus on their own team’s wellbeing and take time to meet to reflect on their wellbeing and what they can do to protect it. This will meet the requirements of the QOF targets in the GP contract to do your quality improvement project on staff wellbeing. We have produced a document which includes some tangible recommendations and tools for improving workload and safe working.

A range of wellbeing and support services are available to doctors, from our 24/7 counselling and peer support services, NHS practitioner health service and Samaritans. The organisation Doctors in Distress also provides mental health support for health workers in the UK, providing confidential peer support group sessions. See our poster with 10 tips to help maintain and support wellbeing.

Please visit the BMA’s wellbeing support services page for more information and resources.

GPC England committee pages and guidance for practices

Read more about the work of the Committee

Read practical guidance for GP practices

See the latest update on Twitter: @BMA_GP / Twitter @TheBMA / Twitter


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